Country of delivery

Shipping costs & delivery times

We use DHL or DPD as our carrier (depending on the shipped items).

For shipments to destinations in Germany:

Standard shipping: Free


For shipments to destinations in Europe

To Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Austria

Standard shipping: 10,00 € per product


To France, Sweden, Slovakia and Spain

Standard shipping: 14,00 € per product


To Ireland

Standard shipping: 24,00 € per product


To Italy

Standard shipping: 34,00 € per product


For shipments to destinations in Switzerland and Liechtenstein

Standard shipping: 10,00 € per product. We deliver according to incoterm DAP excluding import duties.


Information on calculating the delivery date

In case of advance payment by wire transfer, the delivery term starts on the day after the payment order has been issued to the transferring credit institution; in case of other payment methods, it starts on the day after contract conclusion and ends when the last day of the term expires.
If the delivery term starts on a Saturday, Sunday or officially recognised public holiday at the respective location, it is moved to the next business day.

International delivery times

Please see the following table for the delivery times for international shipments, which you need to add to the delivery time specified for an item.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, delivery times may be longer than usual.

Country Additional maximum duration in days
Belgium 2
Denmark 2
Great Britain 3
Italy 2
Luxembourg 2
The Netherlands 2
Austria 2
Switzerland 4
Spain (mainland) 4